The buzz is gone

The buzz is gone

The buzz is gone. If this were a horror film, it’d be “The Silence of the Bees.” But it’s not a movie. It’s for real. The bee-loud glade, as the poet once called it, is quiet. Except at the Bee Lab at the Entomology Department on the St....
Elmer Andersen: Missing A Minnesota Statesman

Elmer Andersen: Missing A Minnesota Statesman

Gov. Elmer Andersen summoned me to his Arden Hills home in early 2003 because he wanted me to help him get the word out: He had certainly NOT given his endorsement to Tim Pawlenty, the newly-elected governor who, despite claiming to be a Republican like Elmer, represented the kind of narrow partisanship that Elmer loathed.

Melting Away

Melting Away

“I hoped in the 1990s that the world would catch on. But we went the opposite direction, a short-term mentality took over and the environment has been politically sidelined. So I try to tell people it’s not just about saving the polar bears. It’s about saving our kids.”–Will Steger

Too Awful To Be True

I wrote the following two stories in January, 2002…the first telling the heartbreaking tale of a humble St Paul parking lot attendant who, in a span of months, had lost two sons — one in the 9-11 attacks on the World Trade Center, the other in a tragic car...

Next Parish: America

Ireland ‘s Dingle Peninsula is the western-most point of Europe, a rocky finger of land that juts into the Atlantic at the wild, remote edge of the world. I have dreamed of Dingle for most of my life. When my grandmother was young, people looked out at the sea...