Featured Projects

Elder Statesman

“The 20 minutes of that inaugural address by the new president
was the worst 20 minutes in American history,” a horrified Mondale
told me when we met a few days after Trump was sworn in.
“To have a president hit all those right-wing gongs…
to speak in a kind of hostile, divisive, unrelenting way…
the meanness…

We’ve never had that before.”

Read more in Macalester Today

A Game-Changing Grain

Farmers and foodies work together on a new crop to renew the Mississippi
Read more in the McKnight Foundation's 2016 Annual Report

Generation Z Anxiety

Facebook, financial stress, and fear of missing out all raise the stakes on student anxiety–now the top mental health concern on college campuses.

The Child Care Crunch

With one of the worst child care shortages in the country, parents of preschool kids aren’t the only ones feeling pressured by the lack of child care options in greater Minnesota.

A Remarkable Renaissance

West 7th Street stages a homecoming for St. Paul's German heritage
Read more in the Pioneer Press