Purls of Wisdom

Purls of Wisdom

Ann Hood’s new anthology “Knitting Purls” helps explain why knitting is so often the life sport of the literary set: Novels and Norwegian mittens require hours of sitzfleisch, and provide proof that small amounts are cumulative…

Skeletons in the Closet

Skeletons in the Closet

Halloween seems like a good time to reveal the skeletons in the closet, and we’ve got a doozy: our 8x great aunt Bridget Bishop was the first victim to be executed during the Salem Witch hysteria of 1692. I’m working on a travel story tracing the progress...
One Big Happy (Primate) Family

One Big Happy (Primate) Family

From a gorilla with girl problems, to expectant father of two–what a difference a year has made for Schroeder, the silverback of Como Zoo’s Gorilla Forest. Here’s a little video recap of the sudden romantic complications created when three female...